SITREP #00098
Weapon Deployment Dev-Branched, Remote Designators, Collimator Tech, Stance Adjust Bindings
SITREPs (Situation Reports) are monthly quick and small updates
for Arma 3 players.
Weapon Deployment Dev-Branched, Remote Designators, Collimator Tech, Stance Adjust Bindings
Marksmen Sandbox Dev-Branch, "End Game" Early Access, Livestream Recording
1.40 Release, Marksmen 'First Look' Livestream, Land 't Spam
1.40 Inbound, Sounds Good to Me, Workshop Gospel
Resting & Recoil Incoming; AI improvements; Hello from the Environment Dept
Firing from All the Things, Recoil Overhaul, Make Arma Not War Jury